Online Retailer Authorization Program

List of authorized merchants:

  • Organic Solutions
  • Peak10 Health LLC
  • Pro Health Inc.
  • Pure Essence Health
  • The Healthy Habit – Vitamins & More
  • Zquard

List of unauthorized merchants and violators:

  • Vitamin Nexus (persistent violator)
  • J & K Deals
  • Professional Supplements Store
  • Petti Meter

Our Philosophy

Canada RNA Biochemical Inc. (CRNA) is committed to providing high quality and clinically efficacious products for healthcare practitioners. It is our philosophy that all medicinal substances (including vitamins, herbs, and other nutraceutical products) should be taken under the advice of a trained health care professional in order to achieve their maximal benefits and minimize side effects (Granted that most natural health products are safe and rarely cause any problem). In most cases, your health care provider is best at determining the right dosage, when to change the dosage, and how long you should take a product for; this is especially true for our Boluoke® (lumbrokinase) product.  This is the reason why we only allow healthcare practitioners and major distributors to open an account with us.

The Reality

However, in the past 5 years, we have noticed our products being sold on more and more internet websites. This happened because there are increasing demands from patients who would like to purchase our products without seeing a practitioner.  Some of them believe that they know their health better and can take care of their own health better than a doctor can. The other reason is the higher profit margin of selling direct to end-users (on the practitioner’s part) without having to provide any consultation; as a result more and more practitioners are having an on-line store.

Instead of trying to stop all on-line selling, we believe it is better to provide a guideline for all to follow so that on-line retailers will not steal the office sales from hard-working practitioners, most of whom do not have an on-line store. We believe the philosophy of “live and let live” and that a balance can be achieved between both sides.

Why the Authorization Program

With any laws and guidelines, there are always those few who believe they are above them all and will break them without any regard for others. Unfortunately, in today’s on-line shopping era, it is simply too easy to hide anonymously behind a third-party website (like or We simply do not have the resources to track them all, nor the authorities shut them down. Thus, we have created an authorized retailer program and shall leave it up to you to make your decision with your dollar. You can choose to purchase from the list of the authorized retailer (whom we know and recommend), or from unknown on-line retailers. Please note that on-line retailers who clearly identify who they are (by doctor’s name, clinic name, or one of our distributors) do not require authorization. The authorization is primarily for retailers on third-party websites.

Why Purchase from Authorized On-Line Retailers

On-line retailers are authorized only after they have:

  1. Told us who they are (the practitioner’s name or the clinic name),
  2. Where they obtain their products,
  3. Agreed to follow our guideline,
  4. Agreed to report any adverse reactions,
  5. Agreed not to misrepresent our products, and
  6. Agreed to resolve any customer complaints brought to our attention.

We have had occasional complaints from end-users who had bought our products from anonymous on-line retailers (those who set up a storefront on third-party websites), but could not get satisfactory resolutions. Since we did not know who those on-line retailers are, we had no way to help them resolve the issues.

If you are to purchase our products from an on-line retailer, we would recommend that you purchase from one of the authorized retailers on our list. That way you can be sure that the products are from a trusted source and that you may bring any complaint about the retailer to our attention, and we shall do everything within our power to assist you.

We will also have a list of on-line retails whom we do not recommend.  Those are merchants who blatantly violate our on-line retailing policy, and in spite of repeated attempts from us to contact them, they still would not respond or remedy their violations.  Remember, these are clinics or practitioners who have originally set up an account with us (or our distributors) and agreed to adhere to our on-line retailer’s policy. Then they turned around and set up a storefront on a third-party website, and totally ignored the agreement. We do not believe these dishonest retailers deserve your business. And in time, when we find out the true identities behind these violators, we shall terminate all relationship with them and also publish their identities (clinic name or practitioner’s name) on our website.