
$60.56 USD

Availability: In stock

The best oral enzyme that can improve your circulatory health and maintain good blood supply to major organs like the brain, the heart, and other cells of the body. To learn more about Lumbrokinase click here. 

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I have been taking this product Bolouke for 4 weeks. It is a natural blood thinner that has amazing cardiovascular benefits. my blood pressure has been exceptional. Please research this product and company and discuss this with your doctor and also consider the option of consulting a holistic doctor.

Valencia D. (Chicago, IL)

I am a practitioner who is treating a client with Bolouke for biofilm who has Lyme, co infections, viruses, bacteria, etc. An unusual observation, since putting her on the Bolouke her breast cysts have diminished in size dramatically. Is there an explanation as to why this is happening? This revelation is quite exciting and intriguing!

Charise C., NTP (Leander, TX)

I've used Boluoke successfully in the past for Lyme Disease related problems & have decided to use it again to help with heart related symptoms. I forgot to mention that having to give ('sticky') blood could be difficult for me & made nurses weep! Using Boluoke made blood flow so much better it's no longer a problem.

Angela L. (London, England)

I have had atrial fibrillation since 1998. After some traditional treatment, I started Bolouke. For the past approx 15 years I have been recommending your product to my patients and in my lectures around the world. All I can say to you and your team is Thank you, for creating such a life changing product.

Peter G., DC (Mahopac, NY)
