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Boluoke Intro

For many centuries earthworm has been used in the Far East traditional medical practice for conditions associated with circulatory abnormalities. It was recorded in the “Ben Cao Gang Mu”, the traditional Eastern world’s pharmacopoeia, as a potent medicine for “Liver Wind uprising and Channel blockage” conditions.

In order to elucidate the power of earthworms, Japanese scholars Dr. Hisashi Mihara and others succeeded in extracting a fibrin-dissolving enzyme from Lumbricus rubellus in the 1980s. This enzyme was later found to consist of a few proteolytic sub-enzymes, which are collectively named lumbrokinase. Lumbrokinase is also referred to as earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes (EFE), earthworm powder enzymes (EPE), or e-PA.

Since then many Korean and Chinese researchers have compiled extensive scientific and clinical data on lumbrokinase extracted from Lumbricus rubellus and Eisenia fetida. In Japan and Korea lumbrokinase has been the main ingredient in “Dragon Heart”, a popular health supplement for supporting circulatory health. Whereas in China, earthworm protein extracts and lumbrokinase have been studied thoroughly and have been used to support a healthier blood state.
As science and technology advanced over the last century, so did the knowledge about the active constituents in traditional medicine.

First there was dried earthworms used in traditional oriental medicine decoctions, and then there was ground-up earthworm powder. Later came the granular crude extract of earthworms, and now there is Boluoke®, a nutraceutical product containing purified enzymes extracted from earthworms. Just like omega-3 molecules in fish oil, polyphenols in green tea, and curcumin and turmeric, the group of enzymes called lumbrokinase shall in time be known as the most valuable ingredients in earthworms

Boluoke® (lumbrokinase) is the only fully researched oral enzyme on the market supporting a healthier blood state, and it shows great promise in supporting a healthy coagulation/fibrinolysis balance in the body. Coagulation system is a complicated and highly regulated system. Modern lifestyles often tip the balance towards hypercoagulation and rarely towards hypocoagulation. For most people, Boluoke® can support the body in keeping the system in a more balanced state. Some practitioners are also recommending Boluoke® for those who choose to be on hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills, and for those who could not tolerate standard preventative pharmaceutical drugs.

* The statements above have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.